To the uninitiated, internet marketing can be a difficult concept to grasp. Part of what makes it elusive is the fact it involves a large collection of different yet related activities.
One might even think of it as something like a food buffet, only instead of combining individual dishes to make a meal you combine different internet-based activities to form a marketing initiative. And just as each separate serving of food contributes something uniquely beneficial to the meal as a whole, each individual internet activity adds something uniquely beneficial to the marketing initiative to make it complete.
In recent years, internet marketing has won high regard as an effective marketing alternative because it frequently trumps the ROI of conventional marketing practices, and it also typically does a better job of reaching customers and prospects. It has arguably grown so effective that it’s become ill-advised for most businesses to go without it today.

So what should you do if you’re largely unacquainted with, or only partially acquainted with, the tools and techniques of contemporary internet marketing? And more importantly, can they be used to help strengthen your business? And if so, how?
The answer to these questions is easier than you might think. We suggest you learn a little about the basics of internet marketing for yourself, and then enlist the aid of someone with an in-depth understanding of it. Someone like us for example. In fact, we’ll help you get started by walking you through the basics right now.
The basics of internet marketing for a business like yours typically revolve around a few select considerations. One is to establish a website if you haven’t already done so. This is akin to the main serving in a meal. It provides a cornerstone to expanding the overall reach of your marketing effort.
To get the most out of your website, make sure the design of it – that is, the visual layout – works to solidify your business identity and enhance your brand. In addition, it should be set up to achieve what is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It can also be accompanied by Pay Per Click advertising (PPC). These last two assist with drawing in customers and prospects to your business website, as people roam the internet looking for the types of products and services you offer.
You may also wish to employ social networking to increase your reach even more. This is like adding a dessert, or a soup and salad to your meal. Social Media Marketing, the kind of marketing that takes place on a social network, strives to get people talking about your business. It can include social networking tools like a business blog, Twitter or Facebook accounts, or a small handful of other alternatives. The idea is to not only have a continual sharing of information about your business, but to have it occur among an ever-growing circle of people.
Making the right choices for your business, and then implementing them to best effect, is at the heart of what we do at Halogen Designs. We’ll help you select and deploy the activities that will make your internet marketing initiative complete. At the end of the day, you’ll feel much like you do after you’ve had a great meal.
In fact, you’ll probably want to know about the other services we offer too- Like search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click advertising (PPC), and social network marketing. Combining them with the website will boost your online marketing even more. If you like staying power, then you’ll definitely want to stay with us.
Are you ready for an infectious dose of our excitement about website design? Call or email us for a free initial consultation. It may be the first time you see us, but likely won’t be the last. Just like you, we’re in it for the long haul…